Today I received a couple iThemes shirts from Cory Miller of Add this to my lot of other WordPress shirts from the official WordPress shop, and I’m getting quite the collection of WordPress gear. I’m always up for more WordPress gear/attire, so if you’re aware of any others, please let me know!

Fellow Semper Fi WordPress geek, Steve Mortiboy, likes his iThemes WordPress shirt as well…

Nice shirt! Got to order one of those.
Michael, love it! Thanks for posting!
Thanks for the shirts Cory. We absolutely love them.
Great T-shirts from iThemes. My thanks to James Dalman and Cory Miller for sending Michael and I those shirts. Looking forward to seeing you both at WordCamp Raleigh in 6 weeks!
Great shirt man!
Thats a great shirt, I collect internet gear myself as well, not wordpress specific per say, but thats a funny shirt for sure, I just happened to click on your blog link today from my wordpress admin “seo pack plugin” page and then I saw this post…LOL
Ah yes, us bloggers 🙂 We have such great minds!
Thanks for posting that !!
BTW -Does he sell those shirts?
So are we all going to wear these at the RDU WordPress camp this coming May 22?
Nice shirt! I want one that says My Plugin could beat up your Plugin.
Nice! That shirt will be waiting for you when you get here in a few weeks.
Great themes at iThemes but the support is in need of an overahaul. Maybe someone will buy it and get rid of mr miller and they can offer support that takes care of everyone.