Happy Veteran's Day! Everyone make sure you thank a veteran today for their service to our great country. # I have a new term to coin "Twampage" – when you're on a rampage using Twitter. Lots of it going on today. RT @bgardner # "An SEO consultant that doesn't know semantic HTML is like an…
Tag: Twitter
Twitter Updates for 2009-11-11
Happy 234th birthday Marine Corps! Semper Fi! # Dear Sheldon from Big Bang, I hate conflict and yelling too. RT @corymiller303 # Hey Active Military & Vets: Marisa Miller Downloads & Chance to Win a New Harley http://contest.maxim.com/contest/salutes RT @CraigTuller # Just released All in One SEO Pack 1.6.8 – http://retwt.me/DXXj – various bug fixes,…
Twitter Updates for 2009-11-10
Mac OS X 10.6.2 is out. Lots of great bugfixes. http://retwt.me/1KrYT # Monkeys, apes, are disloyal. Apes also murder. Dogs are loyal, symbiotic companions. Cats? Don't get me started. RT @OneFineJay # VETERANS AND ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY EAT FREE AT APPLEBEE’S ON VETERANS DAY. http://retwt.me/VEw2 # Happy 234th birthday Marine Corps! Semper Fi! #
Twitter Weekly Updates for 2009-11-09
Wow. Adobe's "Open Government" site. I wish this were a joke. (via @markjaquith ) http://www.adobe.com/opengov/ # Developer docs for WP Super Cache http://is.gd/4M9s5 please comment on http://is.gd/4M9tf #WordPress (via @donncha ) # Just realized I've been added to 51 Twitter lists, mostly WordPress, developer, or SEO stuff. # @michaeltorbert is on the WordPress World Map:…
Twitter Updates for 2009-11-09
@carlhancock Michael Jackson had a skin disease, vitiligo. in reply to carlhancock # @carlhancock No idea. I didn't know his skin was lighter until you posted. 🙂 in reply to carlhancock # First iPhone Worm Targets Jailbroken iPhones [WARNING] – http://bit.ly/2K337l RT @mashable # It'd be dumb for a commercial theme dev to provide spt…