In our office at Semper Fi Web Design, we decided there weren’t enough WordPress things on display. So to correct that, we decked the tree boughs with WordPress ornaments, with WordPress shirts as a tree skirt. As Christmas gets closer, I’m reminded of how thankful I am to have such an amazing job, with great…
Tag: WordPress
WordPress Embroidered Shirts
WordPress Embroidered Shirts
WordPress Plugin and Theme GPL Misconceptions, Misinformation, and Perspective
I don’t have some crazy linkbait title bashing some plugin, developer, or Automattic employee/executive, but you’re here so I guess you still found the post somehow. Lately, there has been a lot of talk about a variety of issues related to the commercialization and GPLness of plugins, themes, and Automattic. Some of these discussions have…
All in One SEO Pack increased support for WordPress as a CMS
The new version of All in One SEO Pack now has increased support for using WordPress as a Content Management System. There are also various bug fixes and security updates. Make sure you stay up to date with the ONLY All in One SEO Pack.
Raleigh WordPress Meetup May Pictures
This past month we had our first official WordPress Raleigh Meetup. If you didn’t make it out this time, be sure to join and stop by!