- Google threatened by Twitter? http://tinyurl.com/ar7sxk #
- Atlanta Journal Constitution now using WordPres MU http://blogs.Ajc.com #
- @markjaquith I agree 100%. The first thing I did when I upgraded to Safari 4 was to put the tabs back on the bottom. #
- Creative Commons releases ZERO License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/zero/1.0/ #
- @KarlRove It means that you exceeded your 100 requests to Twitter in an hour. #
- @wptavern I wondered also how Lorelle didn’t make his list. She should be in the top three IMHO. #
- @COasis What happened that they were dropped? in reply to COasis #
- @wptavern That is a truly impressive application of WordPress MU. #
- @wptavern Yes I saw that. I hadn’t heard of that site before. #
- @valeriedoucette It means that a function called fopen() is disabled on your webserver.You may be using a plugin that’s trying to access it. in reply to valeriedoucette #