- Circuit City’s website is back http://circuitcity.com #
- Psystar (sells computers with Mac OS X) files for bankruptcy http://bit.ly/PeIXy #
- Obama picks new Supreme Court nominee http://bit.ly/dCREU #
- @CSSVT Eating Mac & Cheese with a plastic bottle cap? You need to ask for a raise! in reply to CSSVT #
- How to survive a world ruled by robots. http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/30891866/ #
- @OneFineJay Slow news day for MSNBC? in reply to OneFineJay #
- Quote of the Day! RT @OneFineJay ” @michaeltorbert Everyday is a slow news day for MSNBC.” #
- @williamsba is it live? in reply to williamsba #
- If you wanted to know what Willis was talking about, there’s an app for that. #
- Will there be dueling Teleprompters? http://bit.ly/W1BRF
#TCOT #TLOT # - RT@photomatt Ask [Matt Mullenweg] a question, [he’ll] pick the best ones and post video answers on [his] blog: tinyurl.com/askphotomattmatt #
- sorry, that’s http://tinyurl.com/askphotomatt #
- The Price of Freedom, Matt Mullenweg on the GPL http://ma.tt/2007/07/price-of-freedom/ #
- RT @andylevy RT @IMAO_: New blog post: It’s 3 A.M. and the Phone Is Ringing http://bit.ly/PRsN3 #
- @LuminousSpecter Who told you the XML Sitemaps plugin will be in the core of WordPress soon? Last time I checked trac it was adamantly not. in reply to LuminousSpecter #
- @jeffr0 What was your question? in reply to jeffr0 #