- @Candice_Jo Even scarier is that translates into approximately 50% of households. in reply to Candice_Jo #
- @Candice_Jo I think when we spread the wealth around, it's good for everyone. in reply to Candice_Jo #
- @Candice_Jo Why do you resist Change? in reply to Candice_Jo #
- @Candice_Jo Resisting Change is rascist. in reply to Candice_Jo #
- @keithdsouza That's kind of misleading. in reply to keithdsouza #
- @keithdsouza He uses a few things to say that a plugin isn't "compatible" with whatever version of WordPress. in reply to keithdsouza #
- For instance, hard coding wp-content doesn't make a plugin not work with 2.7,2.8 #
- It just makes it not compatible with a particular feature that hardly anyone uses. People reading that may not realize that though. #
- @keithdsouza No problem. Mostl of the top 15 plugins are in there as not being compatible. I just didn't want people to misunderstand. in reply to keithdsouza #
- @keithdsouza Looking at AIOSEOP he's just wrong. He says I'm using the deprecated (pre-2.3) the_tags, which I'm not. in reply to keithdsouza #
- @apeatling You either have to download and then delete them, or else email/call Apple Care to delete them from their end. in reply to apeatling #
- RT @josephscott Another Ford website powered by WordPress http://www.thefordstory.com/ #WP #WordPress #
- Just released NEW update for All in One SEO Pack to support dynamic wp-content placement. http://tinyurl.com/aioseop #AIOSEOP #WordPress #WP #
- I don't know why I tweet big stuff like this at night when so few people are around to see it. 🙂 #
- @Viper007Bond Pidgin in reply to Viper007Bond #
- @Michaele_H What problem are you having with iThemes & All in One SEO Pack? in reply to Michaele_H #
- RT @shellyroche My rep still won't sponsor HR 1207: Frank Kratovil 202.225.5311 – anyone up for a call-a-thon? #tlot #c4l #endthefed #
- @spamboy I can't say that I envy you. 🙂 in reply to spamboy #