- RT @CraigTuller RT @catswhocode: 10 incredibly cool WordPress shortcodes http://tr.im/pIDN #WordPress #WP #
- Just got a penny donation.Really?I don't care how much/little someone gives, or if they do at all, but that's insulting. #
- @MattGeorge Neither did I. Donations of any size are appreciated, but .01 is of course just an insult. in reply to MattGeorge #
- AIM needs to fix itself. #
- @zahnster Ha. I just did the same thing. in reply to zahnster #
- AIM is back everyone. #
- How does everyone on twitter know that Michael Jackson died but not cnn.com, foxnews.com, or msnbc.msn,com? #
- @yadurajiv Everyone else says coma at worst. in reply to yadurajiv #
- Breaking News: Justin Timberlake just sworn in as "King of Pop"!! #
- RT @michellemalkin Hey, are you watching #troopathon? Live: http://troopathon.com/ Please donate or else RT! #