- RT @LisaSabinWilson upgraded my AllInOneSEO plugin today on 4 sites without any of the reported probs. w/ loss of meta fields. Nice work! #
- @carlhancock WP Supercache in reply to carlhancock #
- @carlhancock It doesn't pre-cache, but I suppose you could just write a script to hit every page and trigger it. in reply to carlhancock #
- Or modify WP Supercache go through and pre-cache everything. #
- @carlhancock Or modify WP Supercache go through and pre-cache everything. in reply to carlhancock #
- @LisaSabinWilson Do you prefer Shopp to WP e-Commerce? in reply to LisaSabinWilson #
- @LisaSabinWilson Just wondering. There's no demo for Shopp so I've never tried it, and I've always liked WP e-Commerce. in reply to LisaSabinWilson #
- @carlhancock Just out of curiosity, why do you want to pre-cache? in reply to carlhancock #
- @LisaSabinWilson Same here. Especially now that WP e-Commerce uses AIOSEOP's new API hooks so that it's more SEOd. in reply to LisaSabinWilson #
- @conorpegypt I've seen the demo, but I won't pay for it if I can't see the code first. More business for WP e-Commerce I suppose. in reply to conorpegypt #
- @carlhancock Then the simplest way would probably be to just write a script to hit the pages you need cached. in reply to carlhancock #
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