- @nathanrice @carlhancock _aioseop_title in reply to nathanrice #
- @nathanrice in 1.6 keywords changed to hidden and options were put into an array in a single option in reply to nathanrice #
- @nathanrice oops… custom fields, not keywords in reply to nathanrice #
- @wptavern I use WordPress BECAUSE I have to install plugins to get certain functionality. in reply to wptavern #
- @wptavern His argument doesn't even make sense, but the explanation is more than 140 characters. in reply to wptavern #
- npost.com switches from SquareSpace to WordPress and they tell you why – http://is.gd/431FZ RT @wptavern #
- @TwoBackpackers http://bit.ly/3nQ42q in reply to TwoBackpackers #
- URGENT! Massive earthquake rocks Pacific Ocean; tsunami warnings/watches issued: http://retwt.me/Gq95 RT @kimparsell #