- @spamboy Well it’s never going to be warm and fuzzy, but it’s how this goes with the GPL. It happens all the time. Think B2->WordPress. #
- @spamboy Well I don’t mean for you to infer hard feelings came from B2->WP. I just mean it’s common. It’s kind of the point of GPL. #
- @spamboy What specifically are you looking for? Am I being to general? 🙂 #
- @lorelleonwp Thank you. WordPress is certainly one of my favorite things, and Twitter is quickly rising on the list. 🙂 #
- mmm… Schlotzsky’s for breakfast. #
- I must have added an extra zero… I always do that. #
- Listen to them. Children of the night. What music they make. #
- Social networking meets media management for OSX in Doubletwist http://doubletwist.com/dt/Home/Index.dt #
- @andylevy Safari 4 Beta being 30 times faster than IE7 isn’t really that much to brag about. #
- @AlisonRosen If you want great, fast browsing then use Safari. If you want lots of functionality (add-ons) then use Firefox. #
- @KarlRove “If you can’t convince them, confuse them.” -Truman #
- Unpatched exploit for Excel 07 http://tinyurl.com/d6lzyy #
- Did someone forget to tell him that he’s not campaigning anymore? #
- Wow. America invented the automobile? #
- Bobby Jindal is saying more in 10 minutes than Obama did in an hour. #
- @andylevy Jindal has more content in one minute of his speech than the Obama did all night. #
- @MarketingMic What are you having troubles with? in reply to MarketingMic #
- there’s something strange about Obama signing autographs for Congress… #
- @markjaquith Are you using it on OSX or WIndows? I’m nervous about upgrading until I hear what other people think about it on the Mac. #
- @scotthodge Great WordPress themes source: http://www.smashingmagazine.com/ #
- @markjaquith Safari 4 is pretty nice. I’m not too sure about the tabs on top either though. #
- @markjaquith as per Google, to put tabs back on the bottom, run defaults write com.apple.Safari DebugSafari4TabBarIsOnTop -bool NO #
- @scottalanmiller Make sure you have the remote host set in your wp-config.php, you also need to allow incoming connections for mysql in reply to scottalanmiller #
- @lorelleonwp avast.com and/or avg.com are both popular free Virus scanners #
- @lorelleonwp I’m pretty sure Avast does. I’m not certain about AVG. #
- @lorelleonwp Avast free virus removal http://tinyurl.com/ygqrag #
- This is your brain on Social Networks http://tinyurl.com/aq6a8x #
- @streetlife Windows Live Writer may be what you’re looking for http://windowslivewriter.spaces.live.com/ in reply to streetlife #
- Safari 4 Tips, Tricks, and Special Effects http://tinyurl.com/bwvm6m #
- @streetlife I suppose one method would be to install WordPress locally on your computer, and have it point to the remote database. #
- Moderate WordPress Comments with Adobe AIR App directly on your computer http://www.danieldura.com/code/moderator #
- @streetlife What is it you’re trying to do exactly, made administrative changes without being connected to the internet? #
- @zealotonastick NextGEN Gallery plugin for WordPress is what you want. http://tinyurl.com/2taa77 in reply to zealotonastick #
- @matallo que problemas? in reply to matallo #
- @williamsba Having 301 instead of 302 is much more important than automatic upgrade, which will just mean that even more people don’t backup #
- Google threatened by Twitter? http://tinyurl.com/ar7sxk #
- Atlanta Journal Constitution now using WordPres MU http://blogs.Ajc.com #
- @markjaquith I agree 100%. The first thing I did when I upgraded to Safari 4 was to put the tabs back on the bottom. #
- Creative Commons releases ZERO License http://creativecommons.org/licenses/zero/1.0/ #
- @KarlRove It means that you exceeded your 100 requests to Twitter in an hour. #
- @wptavern I wondered also how Lorelle didn’t make his list. She should be in the top three IMHO. #
- @COasis What happened that they were dropped? in reply to COasis #
- @wptavern That is a truly impressive application of WordPress MU. #
- @wptavern Yes I saw that. I hadn’t heard of that site before. #
- @valeriedoucette It means that a function called fopen() is disabled on your webserver.You may be using a plugin that’s trying to access it. in reply to valeriedoucette #
- CNN Blogs using WordPress http://edition.cnn.com/exchange/blogs/index.html #
- @michellemalkin They should use real tea anyway. What sense is it to follow ridiculous laws when protesting ridiculous aspects of a gov’t? #
- @williamsba Are you there? Or are you just watching Obama there? #
- does anyone else have a problem with gmail in safari on OSX? That would have been really nice to have been fixed in Safari 4. #
- @spamboy every so often in Safari on OSX I get “Unable to reach Gmail. Please check your internet connection.” until I restart Safari. #
- Joe the Plumber, please stop now. You’re making us look bad. http://tinyurl.com/af56ss #
- @COasis I’ve been hearing a lot of people talk about this. What is the cause? Twitter bug? #
- President Obama: Corporal Yale and Lance Corporal Haerter aren’t “comrades”. They’re United States Marines. #
- @jeffr0 What’s the synopsis of Matt’s GPL comments? #
- @jasonmitchener Nice Thoreau quote. There are quite a few others of his which would be appropriate to our current situation. in reply to jasonmitchener #
- Is Apple’s iPhoto or Google’s Picasa face recognition feature creepy? http://tinyurl.com/aefgu7 #
- ESPN: “Duke is the stimulus package for the ACC” #
- How WordPress/Automattic makes money http://tinyurl.com/c9ats4 #
- http://twitpic.com/1slam – 2nd Snow of the Season in Cary, North Carolina #