- @Candice_Jo Switch to WordPress. in reply to Candice_Jo #
- @Candice_Jo Better overall, more control, more functionality, etc. in reply to Candice_Jo #
- @Candice_Jo Not at all. I migrate people from blogspot to WordPress all the time. Very painless. in reply to Candice_Jo #
- @Candice_Jo Your blog subscribers? That's a little tricky, depending on how you currently have things set up. in reply to Candice_Jo #
- 145:Number of StudioPress forum users ready to help now!145 reasons to purchase a theme package! http://tinyurl.com/krudxs #WP RT @bgardner #
- Sick of Michael Jackson. Mourning U.S. Marine Corps Col. Kenneth L. Reusser. Godspeed http://bit.ly/17daDe (via @michellemalkin ) #
- Yemeni Jet Carrying 153 passengers crashes in Indian Ocean! http://bit.ly/HoRM9 #
- RT @nathanrice If you use FireFox, be kind to developers all over the world and go download FF 3.5. –> http://tr.im/FF3pt5 #
- @jschuller That's not the greatest song in the world. It's only a tribute. 🙂 in reply to jschuller #
- @hakansson What exactly does "ate all the cache in the admin" mean? in reply to hakansson #
- @markjaquith I realize this isn't the point of the post, but #2 isn't technically accurate. in reply to markjaquith #
- @RichOwings So what if we're being used by Amazon? Wrong is wrong, and I still don't want the gov't taxing everything I touch. in reply to RichOwings #
- Hm, looks to me like the Follower page on Twitter got a face lift. (via @bgardner ) #
- Looks like numerous programs terminated NC affiliates today http://bit.ly/d2ssO http://bit.ly/lUtie #ncaffiliatetax (via @RichOwings ) #
- @jeffr0 IMAP is how you access the email. Just set up a normal email account. in reply to jeffr0 #
- Ten New Tea Party Merchandise Designs http://tinyurl.com/ljkpcd #tcot #tlot (via @thehuli ) #
- Tips for Programming and PHP http://bit.ly/3ZYHP #PHP #WordPress #WP RT @keithdsouza RT @chrispirillo #
- WordPress iPhone app updated for 3.0 http://iphone.wordpress.org/ #iphone #WordPress #wp #
- @Candice_Jo Did I miss some drama? Who is she and what did she do? in reply to Candice_Jo #
- Musicians Friend, overstock, bluenile, cabelas, textbooks.com all join Amazon in dropping NC affiliates! against #ncaffiliatetax #tcot #tlot #
- @keithdsouza Are you with me in starting the Gimp movement? 🙂 in reply to keithdsouza #
- Someone targeting U.S. and Marine Corps flags in Dallas: http://bit.ly/n9oep (h/t @dayngr) (via @michellemalkin ) #tlot #tcot #
- It's settled. FSF says PHP code in #WP themes does inherit the GPL –> http://tr.im/qzBW #gpl #WP #WordPress (via @nathanrice ) #
- Brand New! All in One SEO Pack 1.6 Beta 1 http://bit.ly/WtZHG
#WordPress #SEO #WP # - bbPress has gone 1.0! http://bit.ly/bbpress10 #WordPress #WP (via @photomatt ) #
- All in One SEO 1.6 Beta2 just released.Please help test or RT! http://bit.ly/iBKpt
#WordPress #WP # - All in One SEO 1.6 Beta2 just released.Please hlp test or RT! http://bit.ly/WtZHG
- All in One SEO Pack 1.6 Beta 3! http://bit.ly/WtZHG
Help test or please RT. #WordPress #WP #SEO # - @nathanrice What are you using to detect the presence of All in One SEO Pack? in reply to nathanrice #
- @nathanrice Ok great, just wanted to make sure it wasn't something that will change in this next version. in reply to nathanrice #
- Ditto. Feel free to email or IM me if you neet to. #
- @WhoSayIn Sure, All in One SEO Pack 1.6 Beta 3 has lots of new features: http://bit.ly/WtZHG
#WP in reply to WhoSayIn # - @MillionClues can you show me a screenshot? in reply to MillionClues #
- @MillionClues Post the details of what's wrong at http://semperfiwebdesign.com/forum/ instead of on here please in reply to MillionClues #
- "The downsizing of consumption opens a myriad of opportunities for disruptive plays in software & technology. Time to capitalize." Fabian O. #
- BREAKING NEWS: Steve Mcnair found dead, shot and killed. (via @andylevy) #
- How to use All in One SEO to it's fullest potential. VIDEO TUTORIAL by @ManiKarthik http://vimeo.com/1730604 #WordPress #WP #SEO #
- Heartbreaking tweets from @davidmmasters, whose son was killed today by suicide bomber in Afghanistan: http://bit.ly/1lsU0 #
- Please spread the word – #thankyouaaron – for making ultimate sacrifice this Independence Day. (via @davidmmasters ) #