After a great conversation in the WP Tavern, I just couldn’t stop myself from coming up with ways to know if you’re a WordPress addict…
- …you can’t name the number of WordPress sites you have without looking it up.
- …you listen to WordPress Weekly rather than going out on Friday night.
- …you visit a website and look at its source code to see if it’s WordPress.
- …you time how long it takes to install/upgrade WordPress, and celebrate when you break your own record.
- …you refresh your blog stats A LOT over and over.
- …you get up in the middle of the night to check them.
- …the first thing you do each day is check to see if a new WordPress update has been released.
- …you see a problem in daily life and wonder if there is a plugin to solve it.
- …you don’t like newspapers because you can’t leave comments.
- …you refuse to go on any vacation where there’s no electricity, phone lines, or hotspots.
- …you finally take that vacation, but only after buying a data-enabled cell-phone plan and a wi-fi card.
- …you compare your bank’s website to the wp-admin and tell them to take ideas from it.
- …you see a great website you like, and wonder what plugins they’re using.
- …the WordPress shirt in your closet is a great source of pride.
- …you’ve cried while using the WYSIWYG editor.
- …you spend more time on your girlfriend’s WordPress site than on your girlfriend.
- …you worship Matt Mullenweg.
- …as soon as you saw the new government/Obama/Change sites, you checked to see if they were using WordPress.
- …when writing a query for a non-WordPress project, you accidently try to use the $wpdb class.
- …you can name 10 active tickets in Trac off the top of your head… extra points if you’ve debated them.
- …Firefox says your most visited sites are, Weblog Tools Collection,, Lorelle on WordPress, WP Tavern, any of the WordPress theme developers, and any twitter accounts for WordPress developers.
- …you signed up for the WP Tavern forum before it was remotely ready to be officially launched.
- …you can name three core WordPress developers.
- …Google registers hundreds, if not thousands, of 301/302 redirects for your site.
- …your computer desktop background has WordPress logo art
- …you had never heard of .htaccess, Trac, or SVN until you started using WordPress
- …when someone doesn’t print WordPress correctly, you are personally offended.
- …you have ever woken up in the middle of the night and started blogging about the dream you just had.
- …you see a good looking girl and wonder if she has a blog.
- …your inbox has more emails from various WordPress installations than actual people.
- …you rewrite some of the more inefficient code in plugins you use, just for fun.
- …you get mad when someone says they’re writing a new blog (rather than blog post).
- …you’ve had headed arguments about the GPL as it relates to WordPress, and its plugins and themes.
- …you’ve ever written a useless plugin just for the fun of it.
- …you stay up until 3am participating in the WP Weekly after show.
- …the biggest social event of the year you’ve attended is WordCamp.
- …you know when Thank a Plugin Developer Day is.
- -and someone thanked you.
- …someone asks for your address and you give them your WordPress blog address.
You might be addicted to WordPress if when someone mentions a slug, you aren’t thinking about shotguns.
whats a slug?
Definitely a great thread going on in the forum and apparently, you have grabbed the bull by the horns on this topic! I’ll have to get in their and put in my two cents.
Guilty! Did you know there is even an Firefox add-on that help with the third item on your list? Have a look: and don’t be scared by the German words 😉
Very nice, Remkus. I may have to download that.
In English:
.-= Viper007Bond´s last blog ..Inactivity =-.
Thanks Alex. The German Words scared me.
I guess I’m officially a WordPress addict! I gotta get my fix now.
.-= John David Turner´s last blog ..Controlling Sidebars in Thematic =-.
I got 60% score in your WordPress addict checklist. Am I addicted 🙁
I guess I’m an addict. Awe well. WordPress is a great way to while away an afternoon.
.-= Kevin´s last blog ..Harley Rider =-.
Guilty on so many of those, thanks for the laugh Michael!
.-= Jamie Northrup´s last blog ..Premium Theme of the Day (#0010) =-.
Thank you, now I know what is wrong with me. This is absolutely true.
.-= Pieter´s last blog ..Bank Fraud over the Internet =-.
Hi, Mike….
with your criterias,
I dont think I’m addicted to WordPress enough 🙁
I’m just….
– visit a website and look at its source code to see if it’s WordPress
– see a great website you like, and wonder what plugins they’re using.
– had never heard of .htaccess, Trac, or SVN until you started using WordPress
– rewrite some of the more inefficient code in plugins you use, just for fun.
– someone asks for your address and you give them your WordPress blog address
Thanks Michael , that’s so funny because I think Im a wordpress addict too.
Lol! Im one of the people discribe here! Im a wordpress addict. Most of the websites are condtructed or implemented using wordpress.
Micheal, I always knew you were twisted, now I have proof!
If you connect with MT’s post, repeat after me … Hi, my name is “Your Name” and I am a WordPress addict!
I love the addon Remkus linked to, have been using it since it came out. Any site that I land on, I look at the status bar to see if the lil’ green ball is displaying, meaning it runs on WP.
Guess that makes me twisted too. Semper Fi!
lol. Ok so maybe 100% of these doesn’t apply to me, but most of them do. 😉
Semper Fi Tuefel!