Check out the new Foreman Field football stadium facility at Old Dominion University. The ODU stadium is still a construction zone. The game day building in the Southern Endzone is new. In the next several years both stands will be replaced as they are the original stands from the early 1900s. ODU last played there…
Category: Blog
All in One SEO Pack increased support for WordPress as a CMS
The new version of All in One SEO Pack now has increased support for using WordPress as a Content Management System. There are also various bug fixes and security updates. Make sure you stay up to date with the ONLY All in One SEO Pack.
Stan Crawford
I checked my mail today and found a relatively large, padded envelope. I opened it to find a signed copy of the latest album, Crazy Water, from Stan Crawford.
Sans Illegible
I’ve never been much into typography but as a habitual photoshop user, I’m burdened with some number of thousands of fonts on my computer. I recently came to the profound realization that it is silly for there not to be a font of my own handwriting.