history.wordpress.org Want to see it happen? Vote on it! http://bit.ly/1G7g2v (Please RT)RT @iandstewart # Attn. Married Men (and their wives): Household chores may lower sperm count. http://retwt.me/1KxTB # @erythisis Good point. Fortunately I use a desktop. 😉 in reply to erythisis # Twitter Poll: What’s your favorite iPhone App? I haven’t bought one in a…
Category: Twitter
Twitter Updates for 2009-11-23
Come meet @CraigTuller of StudioPress at the Christmas WordPress Raleigh Meetup http://retwt.me/1Ky18 December 12 #
Twitter Updates for 2009-11-21
Only THREE seats left for the Christmas Raleigh WordPress meetup – http://www.meetup.com/Raleigh-WordPress-Meetup-Group/calendar/11898621/ # 25% Discount on all StudioPress themes. Use Discount Code: DOWN25 http://retwt.me/1KAew #WordPress #
Twitter Updates for 2009-11-20
Christmas WordPress Raleigh Meetup Announced! Limited seats so RSVP now! http://retwt.me/1Ky18 #WordPress # @bgardner Get a real hosting company. 😉 in reply to bgardner # LOL @wptavern Do a few years as a WordPress community organizer and you can run for WordPress President. RT @iandstewart # Maybe one of these days Google Chrome for the…
Twitter Updates for 2009-11-19
wootoff going on right now at http://woot.com # @margaretroach I only have a few. 😉 in reply to margaretroach # @Viper007Bond You mean that isn't yours? in reply to Viper007Bond # Christmas WordPress Raleigh Meetup Announced! Limited seats so RSVP now! http://retwt.me/1Ky18 #WordPress #SEO # WordPress servers to run on Microsoft platform: http://www.inquisitr.com/48394/mullenweg-fails-again/ # Just…