I’ve taken videos from both my Kodak Zi8 and my Nikon D5000, but I wanted to see how they compared side by side… literally. For this example, I held (sorry about the shaking) both cameras next to each other and recorded Steve Mortiboy driving a Dodge Charger around a circle a few times.
Kodak Zi8:
[wpvideo fz7OoCQM w=600]
Nikon D5000:
[wpvideo zCZHDltu w=600]
And it looks like the Kodak wins !!!
I’ve got one myself and love it – now if I can just find a good external mic for audio recording I’ll be all set
Well it depends. Even though the Nikon footage is shaky, the lighting (and even color balance) seems to be better than on the footage captured with the Kodak camera. Depends on what you want to do with it I guess. If you use a tripod, the D500 may win. For fun stuff like this, I’d always choose a Zi8.
Steve Winfield covers the Zi8 and some microphone choices in the WordCamp presentation. It is full of good “Flip style” video info.