Ever since I made “the switch” last year, I’ve become more and more enamored with Apple products. As a former lifelong Apple-hater, I now see the error in my ways, and am really enjoying my new toys. Since my Acer laptop apparently decided on it’s own that I don’t actually need use of it’s screen, rendering it useless as a laptop, I of course had to buy the new Macbook.

- 500GB 7200RPM Seagate Hard Drive
- Glorious Aluminum Shell
I haven’t decided exactly what to do yet with the Acer, which isn’t even that old. I thought about turning it into my new VPN server, but the single non-Gigabit NIC is annoying. Also, CentOS seems to not agree too well with the machine. Maybe it will become a media machine for a TV? We’ll see what transpires…
Why don’t you just put Ubuntu on your old laptop?
Because when I install an operating system I want something that has enterprise stability, reliability, functionality, and security, not something that college kids think is cool and looks pretty.
Point taken. I wonder what the trouble is. Have you tried Fedora?
Fedora will likely be what I try next. If that doesn’t install without incident, then I’ll go back and determine what the issue is with CentOS
4GB RAM – not too bad for a laptop! I only got 512M on my Lifebook.
You are a very smart person! I’m wondering where u got this info from
I don’t know why you’d hate the Mac for so many years and somehow get won over!
I’ve made a living training people how to use PCs but have had a Mac at home since I was 14 and grew up playing on Unix machines.
The current Mac seems to combine all three systems: Unix underneath, Windows app support when necessary, and the beautiful Mac interface.
I’m on my first Mac laptop in 16 years after an iLamp for about 7 years. Amazing computers. Definitely makes it hard to get out of bed some mornings when everything’s on the Mac.
.-= Gib Wallis´s last blog ..Rebooting: All Stories, No Content =-.
Great, I love macs could never go back to pc ever again!
.-= Andreas Nurbo ´s last undefined ..If you register your site for free at =-.
Awesome machine. Have you installed Snow Leopard yet?
I had the same problem. I bough a mac and a cheap monitor for the broken notebook. Now I have a shiny new MacBook pro and my three year old has a desktop.
Macbook is the best thing around, I have 2. You should buy yourself a cover for the laptop too, don’t want it scratched hey!