- @DataCenterPros We use Nagios also. in reply to DataCenterPros #
- @yoast Congrats on joining Studiopress! in reply to yoast #
- @macewan That’s pretty worthless. The directory contents are already public knowledge to anyone who wants them. in reply to macewan #
- After 5 years in, Gmail may not be Beta anymore http://bit.ly/Pxww8 #
- Gmail RC1? #
- @OneFineJay Seriously? Google revolutionized web app UI, and set the standard 34543x higher for everyone else. in reply to OneFineJay #
- @OneFineJay Well you know it will be in Beta for 5 years or so. 🙂 Seriously, when GMail came out, it was in a whole other league. in reply to OneFineJay #
- @OneFineJay I don’t know what that means. in reply to OneFineJay #
- RT @photomatt WordPress vs. Great Firewall of China http://www.google.com/hostednews/afp/article/ALeqM5igVn4hcj6ZNWlawSvzLvgEMkZmkQ #
- “I like that we always get the question how do you make money,because it means that we are not crassly over-commercialising” -Matt Mullenweg #