- WordPress Visual Cheat Sheet via @woork – http://bit.ly/4jxRoH ^SD #WordPress #WP RT @mediatemple #
- Incsub Launches App Store For WordPress Plugins http://bit.ly/yQ967 #WordPress #WP RT @wptavern RT @TechCrunch #
- @adii I agree. My 13" Mac is very practical for travel, etc. I used to wish I had a 17" until I had this one for a while. in reply to adii #
- WordPress 2.8.6 Security XSS vulnerability Release! http://retwt.me/1Kuhw #WordPress #WP #
- @wptavern Already happened. 🙂 in reply to wptavern #
- RT @premiummod Just installed 'All in one SEO' by @michaeltorbert Couldn't live without that plugin. #
- If you have a need for forms on your WordPress site and aren't using the Gravity Forms plugin, you're doing it wrong. #
- GeoTagging just launched on WordPress.com: http://retwt.me/1Kur9 RT @photomatt RT @mdawaffe #