- New WordPress/plugin support forum. http://semperfiwebdesign.com/forum/ #WordPress #WP #SEO It's a work in progress so don't judge me yet. #
- @ComputerRealm http://bit.ly/U7tbj in reply to ComputerRealm #
- RT@bgardner 1st 5 to donate $100 to friends Breast Cancer 3Day get StudioPress AllThemePackage http://tinyurl.com/1j5ld #
- Everybody wish my Marine brother and fellow WordPress developer, @williamsba , a happy birthday! #
- Just installed the iPhone 3.0 software. I'm definitely loving copy/paste! #iphone #apple #squarespace #
- @db All in One SEO Pack won't fill out the fields, but it can generate them on the site itself. #AIOSEOP #WordPress #WP #SEO in reply to db #
- WordPress 2.8 is out now. Best Ever! http://wordpress.org/#WordPress #WP #CMS #
- Just added myself to the http://wefollow.com twitter directory under: #WordPress #SEO #AIOSEOP #
- My new favorite feature for the iPhone 3.0 software: email inbox search. I just discovered it. I didn't even know it was planned. #iphone #
- @rondostar What exactly is the problem? in reply to rondostar #
- @inthiseconomy What exactly is he problem? in reply to inthiseconomy #
- @rondostar I gathered that. What is the specific problem? in reply to rondostar #
- @rondostar Goes down meaning blank page? If you "view source" is anything there while it's down? Try deactivating the other plugins and in reply to rondostar #
- @rondostar reactivate them one by one. With 10s of 1000s of people using 2.8+AIOSEOP, you're the only who's said this. in reply to rondostar #
- @rondostar So it's likely a conflict with another plugin. in reply to rondostar #
- @rondostar If you're interested in me helping you to figure this out, IM me. in reply to rondostar #
- @rondostar Then maybe that would have been a more accurate tweet? in reply to rondostar #
- New FREE WordPress support forum (plugins, themes,general WordPress issues, SEO etc) http://semperfiwebdesign.com/forum #WordPress #WP #SEO #
- NEW WordPress CMS support in All in One SEO! http://bit.ly/fKbr7
#WordPress #WP #SEO # - @chuckreynolds How exactly is "looks forward to signing" the same as "presidential help"? in reply to chuckreynolds #
- Hi folks! Mind dropping me a recommendation at http://mrtweet.com/michaeltorbert?rec ? Much appreciated! #TellMrTweet #
- Custom Taxonomies in WordPress 2.8 http://bit.ly/Mceoz
#WP #WordPress #CMS # - @willyf Canonical URLs in can be toggled on/off in the options page of All in One SEO Pack. in reply to willyf #
- RT @wpuk New post: All In One SEO for WordPress CMS | The UltimateIDX (http://cli.gs/mAdv08) #
- RT @glennansley RT @Full_Throttle more plugin resources: @viper007bond @lorelleonwp @ozh @jacobsantos @wordpresstv @michaeltorbert #wcrdu #
- @studiopress ( @craigtuller and @bgardner ) received plug/endorsement by @photomatt at #wordcamprdu #wcrdu #wordpress #wp #
- @Jackmoe @problogger Install Akismet. Click "check for spam". http://wordpress.org/extend/plugins/akismet/ in reply to Jackmoe #
- This has got to be one of the most worthless WordPress related posts I've ever seen: http://tinyurl.com/worthlesswp #
- and then of course it links to another worthless post. Apparently any plugin with more than 2 lines isn't compatible with WordPress 2.3+ #
- On a lighter note, Happy Flag Day everyone! #
- Who else is excited about the new season of True Blood on HBO! #
- @technosailor Reason #1 why he wouldn't be a good fit: he's not over 30. in reply to technosailor #
- RT @technosailor Earned Relevance » “5 Reasons Michael Vick Would Fit Redskins in Washington, DC” http://ff.im/40rmz #