- For #WordPress I find Thesis to be bloated and Semiologic to have some issues as well. RT @robmcguire #
- BuddyPress 1.1.1 released http://buddypress.org/download/ #WordPress #
- If you love boobs as much as I do, you'll help… http://retwt.me/DpPM #WordPress #WP RT @jeffr0 RT @adii #
- @SumeetChawla The former. in reply to SumeetChawla #
- AT&T to allow VOIP / Skype on phones (including iPhone) on mobile network now http://retwt.me/DX7o #
- new AIOSEOP version for #WordPress coming soon.great new SEO features,more WP e-Commerce support also http://retwt.me/DXXj #
- @SimpleForum Homepage title will be in the API, potentially homepage keywords, desc in reply to SimpleForum #
- Netflix is down… #netflix #fail #
- @nathanrice @carlhancock _aioseop_title in reply to nathanrice #
- @nathanrice in 1.6 keywords changed to hidden and options were put into an array in a single option in reply to nathanrice #
- @nathanrice oops… custom fields, not keywords in reply to nathanrice #
- @wptavern I use WordPress BECAUSE I have to install plugins to get certain functionality. in reply to wptavern #
- @wptavern His argument doesn't even make sense, but the explanation is more than 140 characters. in reply to wptavern #
- npost.com switches from SquareSpace to WordPress and they tell you why – http://is.gd/431FZ RT @wptavern #
- @TwoBackpackers http://bit.ly/3nQ42q in reply to TwoBackpackers #
- URGENT! Massive earthquake rocks Pacific Ocean; tsunami warnings/watches issued: http://retwt.me/Gq95 RT @kimparsell #
- iPhone 3.1.2 update available. Lots of bug fixes. http://retwt.me/Ipbf #
- New IMPORTANT version 1.6.7 of All in One SEO Pack released – Major API changes – http://retwt.me/DXXj #WordPress #SEO #
- @SimpleForum add_filter('aioseop_home_page_title','…'); 🙂 in reply to SimpleForum #
- 10 Most Downloaded and Popular Plugins in #WordPress History http://retwt.me/Fl3q #
- Obama wins Nobel Peace Prize – http://retwt.me/KmSz #
- ALERT: Vulnerability Discovered in Adobe Acrobat and Reader http://retwt.me/KitK #
- @ErickaAndersen To a yacht company. in reply to ErickaAndersen #
- Can I Make a ‘Premium’ Theme My Own? And Then Release It? http://bit.ly/2HvTsN (via @iandstewart ) #
- Even after playing with my Google Wave account, I still don't see what the big deal is. #